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Melde dich an, um Zugang zur leistungsstärksten Plattform zur Bemusterung von Materialien zu erhalten.
Über 300 Brands, Zustellung am nächsten Tag, immer kostenfrei für Architektur- und Designschaffende.
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Warmth without flames
When creating a cozy fireplace atmosphere, aesthetics and safety can seamlessly blend with the right materials. Imagine soft textiles that not only add warmth to your space but also offer fire-resistant protection. Fabrics like treated cotton, wool blends, and innovative synthetics can enhance your decor while ensuring safety around open flames. Fire-resistant materials like stone, concrete, or treated wood allow you to design an inviting environment without sacrificing safety. By balancing comfort and protection, you can enjoy the welcoming glow of your fireplace, confident that your materials can withstand heat and flames.
Price Range
Country of Origin
Metallic Finish
Climate Impact
Human Health Impact
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