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Über 300 Brands, Zustellung am nächsten Tag, immer kostenfrei für Architektur- und Designschaffende.
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Material Bank wurde gegründet, um Effizienz und Nachhaltigkeit in den Bemusterungsprozess zu bringen. Bei unseren Innovationen und unserem Wachstum in allen Unternehemensbereichen berücksichtigen wir den Lebenszyklus von Produkten sowie deren Einfluss auf Klima, Mensch und soziale Gesundheit. Gemeinsam mit unseren Brandpartnern und Architektur- und Designschaffenden, die dieselbe Leidenschaft und das gleiche Engagement für Nachhaltigkeit teilen, unterstützen wir die Architektur- und Designbranche dabei, die negativen Auswirkungen des Klimawandels zu reduzieren.
Im Oktober 2020 hat Material Bank eine Initiative gestartet, um 100% der Emissionen der von uns verschickten Muster auszugleichen. Innerhalb von zwei Jahren haben wir Emissionsgutschriften gekauft, die mehr als 5.000 Tonnen Kohlenstoffemissionen ausgleichen. Das entspricht dem Ausstoß von mehr als 1.100 Autos in einem ganzen Jahr. Durch ständige Bemühungen, Verpackungen zu reduzieren, Musterbestellungen zusammenzufassen und unsere Members darüber aufzuklären, wie wie nachhaltig bemustern können, setzen wir uns dafür ein, Material Bank zur nachhaltigsten Plattform der Welt für Materialmuster zu machen.
Die Architektur- und Designbranche spielt eine wichtige Rolle bei der Gestaltung unserer Welt und trägt Verantwortung für ihre enormen Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt – die Branche ist für etwa 40% der weltweiten Kohlenstoffemissionen verantwortlich. Wir minimieren den Versand- und Verpackungsmüll, indem wir weniger Pakete verwenden und sicherstellen, dass alle unsere Bestellungen zu 100% klimaneutral sind.
Um unseren CO²-Fußabdruck zu verringern, haben wir ein System entwickelt, mit dem wir alle Musterbestellungen in einem einzigen, wiederverwendbaren Karton oder Umschlag versenden. Außerdem verfolgen wir 100% aller Kohlenstoffemissionen des ausgehenden Versands und arbeiten mit Kompensationspartnern wie 3Degrees, ACT Commodities und ClearLoop zusammen, um die entsprechenden Tonnen verifizierter und stillgelegter Emmissionsgutschriften in Kohlenstoffprojekten auf der ganzen Welt zu erwerben.
Kohlenstoffneutraler Versand
Geraldine Drake
Interiors Practice Lead | Associate Principal AECOM Buildings + Places
Inspirationen für kohlenstoffarmes Design
Transformation durch Kollaboration
Industry Climate Action
Im Vorfeld unserer Verpflichtung, Netto-Null Treibhausgasemissionen bis 2040 zu erfüllen, hat Material Bank im Jahr 2021 begonnen, Zertifikate für erneuerbare Energien (RECs) zu kaufen, um den Stromverbrauch unserer Anlagen und Büros zu decken. Wir sind ständig auf der Suche nach neuen Möglichkeiten, um die Umweltauswirkungen unseres Unternehmens zu verringern.
Material Bank was created to bring efficiency and sustainability into the sampling process. As we innovate and grow, we consider the life cycle of products as well as climate, human, and social health in all platform and corporate advancements. We’re committed to supporting the design industry in reducing the negative effects of climate change, alongside our brand partners and design members who share the this same passion and commitment to sustainability.
In October 2020, Material Bank launched an initiative to offset 100% of emissions from the samples we ship. Within two years, we’ve purchased the equivalent carbon credits to offset over 5000+ metric tons of carbon emissions. That’s equivalent to taking more than 1100+ cars off the road for an entire year. Through ongoing efforts to reduce packaging, aggregate sample orders, and educate our members on how to sample sustainably, we’re committed to making Material Bank the most sustainable sample marketplace in the world.
The architecture and design industry plays an important role in shaping our world and has a responsibility to address its enormous environmental impact—the industry is responsible for approximately 40% of global carbon emissions. We minimize shipping and packaging waste by using fewer packages and ensuring that all our orders are 100% carbon neutral.
In order to reduce our carbon footprint, we created a system to ship all sample orders in a single, reusable box or envelope. We also track 100% of all outbound shipping carbon emissions and work with offset partners like 3Degrees, ACT Commodities and ClearLoop to purchase the equivalent metric tons of verified and retired carbon credits in carbon projects around the world.
Emission reduction
Carbon offsets
Carbon neutral shipments
Geraldine Drake
Interiors Practice Lead | Associate Principal AECOM Buildings + Places
Inspiring low carbon design
Transformation through collaboration
Industry Climate Action
Ahead of our commitment to net-zero carbon emissions by 2040, Material Bank began purchasing Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) in 2021 to match our facility and corporate office electricity use. We are consistently exploring new efforts to decrease the environmental impact of our operations.
This is a free, exclusive Material Bank program that supports firms on their sustainable design journey. Program partners gain access to company-specific sampling impact metrics and customized digital tools to support sustainability education and material specification efforts. The program is available for firms with 10+ Material Bank members and requires minimal set-up and execution time.
Unlock access to tools and reduce the impact of your project sampling.
Join our FREE Carbon Impact ProgramCustomized filters
A branded sustainability shortcut menu for your firm that supports material searches and specifications.
Firm-wide training
Customized firm-wide training and sustainabilityproject digital support.
Quarterly sustainability impact reports
Track your firm metrics for packages saved, shipping carbon credits, performance by location, and more.
Firm leadership roundtables
Collaborate with sustainability design leaders sharing ideas and challenges around climate action in the built environment.
Education session participation
Share sustainability insights and knowledge leading virtual education sessions for the entire Material Bank community.
UN sustainable development goals
Providing data and sharing knowledge and technology resources to educate and reduce climate impact in support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals 17.
We're commited!
Zero landfill sample returns
Our sample reclamation program supports our goal to increase the circularity of sampling waste in the built environment. Approximately 50% of our returned samples are suitable to be redistributed and, since 2019, 700K+ pounds of returned samples have been diverted from sanitary landfills. We offset the shipping emissions for all sample returns shipped back to our hub in Mississippi.
To facilitate the sample return process, Material Bank sample trays are recyclable, reusable, and built for ease of returns. Through our University Program and local organizations like Goodwill and the Habitat for Humanity of Greater Memphis ReStore, we’re able to donate gently used material. We also partner with textile waste processors, waste-to-energy operators, and a local non-sanitary landfill to keep 100% of our sample returns out of sanitary landfill.
1 million+
In an effort to increase the number of underrepresented communities in the architecture and design fields, Material Bank partnered with the Downtown Memphis Commission to sponsor the first Hip Hop Architecture Camp® in Memphis. The program is a one-week intensive experience, designed to introduce underrepresented youth to architecture, urban planning, creative place making, and economic development through the lens of hip hop culture.
Material Bank proudly sponsors the Architects Foundation, which brings a cohort of scholars to the AIA Conference on Architecture to expand their exposure to the profession, inspire them through innovative experiences, and connect them to architects who can mentor them in their architectural pursuits.
Rebecca Elie Best
Vice President Sustainability
Material Bank sponsors the Design Your World Program, a four-week experience where 15-20 high school students gain insight into design and architecture professions through initiatives such as material selection, color theory, and space plan creation, while also working with various types of design firms and industry sectors.
Term & Conditions
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