Il nostro impegno
Net Zero entro il 2040

Material Bank è stata ideata per portare efficienza e sostenibilità nel processo di campionatura. Mentre innoviamo e cresciamo, consideriamo il ciclo di vita dei prodotti e la salute del clima, umana e sociale in tutte le piattaforme e i progressi aziendali. Ci impegniamo a sostenere l'industria del design nella riduzione degli effetti negativi del cambiamento climatico, insieme ai nostri partner e membri che condividono la stessa passione e lo stesso impegno per la sostenibilità.

Il nostro impegno per il clima Material Bank è orgogliosa di far parte di un elenco esclusivo di oltre 375 aziende leader del settore che hanno firmato il Climate Pledge, impegnandosi a combattere il cambiamento climatico. Ci siamo impegnati ad azzerare le emissioni di carbonio in tutta la nostra attività entro il 2040, con 10 anni di anticipo rispetto all'Accordo di Parigi.
Science Based Targets Material Bank si è impegnata a stabilire riduzioni delle emissioni a breve termine a livello aziendale in linea con le iniziative Science Based Targets. Abbiamo ricevuto l'approvazione dell'SBTi per i nostri obiettivi di riduzione delle emissioni degli Ambiti 1 e 2 del 38% entro il 2030 rispetto all'anno di riferimento 2021. I nostri obiettivi di riduzione delle emissioni sono in linea con il livello di decarbonizzazione richiesto per mantenere l'aumento della temperatura globale a 1,5°C rispetto alle temperature preindustriali.

Spedizioni 100% carbon neutral dal 2020

Nell'ottobre del 2020, Material Bank ha lanciato un'iniziativa per compensare il 100% delle emissioni prodotte dai campioni che spediamo. In due anni, abbiamo acquistato crediti di carbonio equivalenti a più di 5000 tonnellate di emissioni di carbonio. Ciò equivale a togliere dalla strada più di 1100 auto per un anno intero. Grazie ai continui sforzi per ridurre gli imballaggi, aggregare gli ordini dei campioni ed educare i nostri membri su come ordinare campioni in modo sostenibile, ci impegniamo a rendere Material Bank il marketplace di campioni più sostenibile al mondo.

Why carbon neutral matters

Perché la carbon neutrality è importante

L'industria dell'architettura e del design svolge un ruolo importante nel plasmare il nostro mondo e ha la responsabilità di affrontare il suo enorme impatto ambientale: il settore è responsabile di circa il 40% delle emissioni globali di carbonio. Riduciamo al minimo i rifiuti di spedizione e di imballaggio utilizzando un numero minore di pacchi e garantendo che tutti i nostri ordini siano al 100% neutrali dal punto di vista delle emissioni di carbonio.

Come funzionano le compensazioni di carbonio

Come funziona la carbon offset

Per ridurre la nostra carbon footprint, abbiamo creato un sistema per spedire tutti gli ordini di campioni in un'unica scatola o busta riutilizzabile. Inoltre, teniamo traccia del 100% di tutte le emissioni di carbonio delle spedizioni in uscita e collaboriamo con partner di compensazione come 3Degrees, ACT Commodities e ClearLoop per acquistare le tonnellate metriche equivalenti di crediti di carbonio verificati e ritirati da progetti di carbonio in tutto il mondo.

Geraldine Drake

Interiors Practice Lead | Associate Principal AECOM Buildings + Places

"Ordinare campioni da Material Bank si allinea a due mie importanti priorità, la sostenibilità e il contributo alla riduzione delle emissioni di carbonio."

Collaborazioni con le industrie

Crediti per l'energia rinnovabile

In anticipo rispetto al nostro impegno di azzerare le emissioni di carbonio entro il 2040, Material Bank ha iniziato ad acquistare Certificati di Energia Rinnovabile (REC) nel 2021 per compensare l'uso di elettricità delle nostre strutture e dei nostri uffici aziendali. Esploriamo costantemente nuove opportunita' per ridurre l'impatto ambientale delle nostre operazioni.

Come funzionano le compensazioni delle emissioni di anidride carbonica

We’re committed
Net zero by 2040

Material Bank was created to bring efficiency and sustainability into the sampling process. As we innovate and grow, we consider the life cycle of products as well as climate, human, and social health in all platform and corporate advancements. We’re committed to supporting the design industry in reducing the negative effects of climate change, alongside our brand partners and design members who share the this same passion and commitment to sustainability.

Our climate pledge Material Bank is proud to join an exclusive list of 375+ industry leading companies who have signed the Climate Pledge, committing to combatting climate change. We are committed to net-zero carbon emissions across our business by 2040, 10 years ahead of the Paris Agreement.
Science-based targetsMaterial Bank has committed to set near term company-wide emission reductions in line with the Science Based Targets initiatives. We have received approval from SBTi on our targets to reduce Scope 1 and 2 emissions 38% by 2030 from a 2021 baseline year. Our emission reduction targets are in line with the level of decarbonization required to keep the global temperature increase to 1.5°C compared to pre-industrial temperatures.

100% carbon neutral shipping since 2020

In October 2020, Material Bank launched an initiative to offset 100% of emissions from the samples we ship. Within two years, we’ve purchased the equivalent carbon credits to offset over 5000+ metric tons of carbon emissions. That’s equivalent to taking more than 1100+ cars off the road for an entire year. Through ongoing efforts to reduce packaging, aggregate sample orders, and educate our members on how to sample sustainably, we’re committed to making Material Bank the most sustainable sample marketplace in the world.

Why carbon neutral matters

Why carbon neutral matters

The architecture and design industry plays an important role in shaping our world and has a responsibility to address its enormous environmental impact—the industry is responsible for approximately 40% of global carbon emissions. We minimize shipping and packaging waste by using fewer packages and ensuring that all our orders are 100% carbon neutral.

How carbon offsets work

How carbon offsets work

In order to reduce our carbon footprint, we created a system to ship all sample orders in a single, reusable box or envelope. We also track 100% of all outbound shipping carbon emissions and work with offset partners like 3Degrees, ACT Commodities and ClearLoop to purchase the equivalent metric tons of verified and retired carbon credits in carbon projects around the world.

Geraldine Drake

Interiors Practice Lead | Associate Principal AECOM Buildings + Places

"Ordering samples from Material Bank aligns with two important priorities of mine, sustainability and contributing to carbon footprint reduction."

Industry collaboration

Renewable energy credits

Ahead of our commitment to net-zero carbon emissions by 2040, Material Bank began purchasing Renewable Energy Certificates (RECs) in 2021 to match our facility and corporate office electricity use. We are consistently exploring new efforts to decrease the environmental impact of our operations.

How carbon offsets work

Empowering A&D to support climate change

We're committed to supporting the architecture and design industry that is focused on 2030 decarbonization goals. That means putting sustainability at the heart of everything we do. Together, we’re transforming the industry and creating a more resilient planet for everyone.

Material Bank Sustainability collaboration

What is the
Carbon Impact Program?

This is a free, exclusive Material Bank program that supports firms on their sustainable design journey. Program partners gain access to company-specific sampling impact metrics and customized digital tools to support sustainability education and material specification efforts. The program is available for firms with 10+ Material Bank members and requires minimal set-up and execution time.

Carbon Impact Program

Unlock access to tools and reduce the impact of your project sampling.

Join our FREE Carbon Impact Program

Program benefits

Customized filters

A branded sustainability shortcut menu for your firm that supports material searches and specifications.

Firm-wide training

Customized firm-wide training and sustainabilityproject digital support.

Quarterly sustainability impact reports

Track your firm metrics for packages saved, shipping carbon credits, performance by location, and more.

Firm leadership roundtables

Collaborate with sustainability design leaders sharing ideas and challenges around climate action in the built environment.

Education session participation

Share sustainability insights and knowledge leading virtual education sessions for the entire Material Bank community.

UN sustainable development goals

Providing data and sharing knowledge and technology resources to educate and reduce climate impact in support of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals 17.

Join the growing list of companies using Material Bank data and tools to mitigate their carbon impact on the environment.

We're commited!
Zero landfill sample returns

Our sample reclamation program supports our goal to increase the circularity of sampling waste in the built environment. Approximately 50% of our returned samples are suitable to be redistributed and, since 2019, 700K+ pounds of returned samples have been diverted from sanitary landfills. We offset the shipping emissions for all sample returns shipped back to our hub in Mississippi.

What is the Sample
Reclamation Program?

To facilitate the sample return process, Material Bank sample trays are recyclable, reusable, and built for ease of returns. Through our University Program and local organizations like Goodwill and the Habitat for Humanity of Greater Memphis ReStore, we’re able to donate gently used material. We also partner with textile waste processors, waste-to-energy operators, and a local non-sanitary landfill to keep 100% of our sample returns out of sanitary landfill.

Inspiring the next generation

Material Bank community engagement efforts are guided by a desire to inspire and provide opportunities for next generation design professionals, primarily from underserved communities. We build partnerships with local and national organizations to create meaningful community impact.

Hip Hop Architecture Camp

In an effort to increase the number of underrepresented communities in the architecture and design fields, Material Bank partnered with the Downtown Memphis Commission to sponsor the first Hip Hop Architecture Camp® in Memphis. The program is a one-week intensive experience, designed to introduce underrepresented youth to architecture, urban planning, creative place making, and economic development through the lens of hip hop culture.

Hip Hop Architecture Camp

Architects Foundation

Material Bank proudly sponsors the Architects Foundation, which brings a cohort of scholars to the AIA Conference on Architecture to expand their exposure to the profession, inspire them through innovative experiences, and connect them to architects who can mentor them in their architectural pursuits.

Architects Foundation

Rebecca Elie Best

Vice President Sustainability

"We consider our impact on people and the planet in everything we do. And we continue to ask ourselves how we can make our work an even greater force for good in the world."

Design Your World

Material Bank sponsors the Design Your World Program, a four-week experience where 15-20 high school students gain insight into design and architecture professions through initiatives such as material selection, color theory, and space plan creation, while also working with various types of design firms and industry sectors.

Design Your World
Photo Credit: DesignVox
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