Lundhs Real Stone

Lundhs Real Stone is a selection of four high quality natural stones from Norway. The materials are extremely durable and unique in appearance - an excellent choice for interior and exterior surfaces. The qualities of Lundhs Real Stone materials make them suitable for many different architectural applications, in commercial, residential, and public projects.
"Lundhs Real Stone is a sustainable alternative due to its extreme longevity and possibilities for reuse."

Product highlights

Our Production

  • Lundhs is the largest producer of natural stone in Northern Europe, sourcing and supplying Norway's unique larvikite stone to factories around the world for over 100 years.
  • Our Quarry

  • The quarries operate according to strict environmental requirements, and our production is ISO14001-certified, with the aim of minimizing emissions, reusing water, and utilizing 100 per cent of the stone obtained from quarry production.
  • Our Stone

  • Lundhs promotes its range of unique Norwegian stones to professionals and end users under the Lundhs Real Stone brand.
  • When you buy Lundhs Real Stone through our network of approved factories and distributors, you are guaranteed that the quality and colors provided will be the best.
  • When selecting the Lundhs Real Stone blocks in our quarries, we give them a unique block number, ensuring full traceability from quarry to finished product.
  • Contact

    Lundhs AS

    Kanalgate 59
    3265 Larvik, Norway

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